been a while...
I just learned that one of my favorite jazz greats, The Incredible Jimmy Smith, passed away on Feb. 8, 2005. I got a chance to see him play once at the New Orleans JazzFest in the mid-nineties, but missed an opportunity when he played at Benyamina in Israel. I'll miss him, but his recorded output and legacy will live on. Also, I'm introducing his music to more people at work, who are now seeking out his albums. One co-worker also loves him and we traded albums!
Another bittersweet finale: Running2Ks has signed off from her blog. I certainly learned a lot about parenting, education, and keeping it real under the Bush Dictatorship. Check out her archives (inspiring to my blogging) and take a look at her home-based business.
Sharon and I hosted a nice engagement party two weeks ago at my place. Unfortunately the parents of the bride were unable to make it, but fun was had by all. There's a photo of me in my powder blue Mexican tuxedo shirt kindly posted on White Elephant. If you missed the full velvet leisure suit, you missed out. Photos will be posted as we receive them. One of our photographer friends hosted a birthday party this past Sunday, at which I had too much to drink but enjoyed the usual mix of interesting people from random countries.
In other news, we found a photographer, a videographer, and are currently seeking bands and organizing a web site for more wedding info. Two friends from Tel Aviv just got engaged! They were at our party and may have been inspired.