Global Domination: Historical Studies
We're in the middle of an important international educator's conference here at Yad Vashem. I'm going to review some highlights by the speaker from the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. Not only did he detail some interesting views on our work, but he made an effective and intriguing presentation that struck many out of their boredom.
After an hour-and-a-half of listening to other speakers from the distinguished panel, our American friend started with: "I'm going to ask you to sit in a few moments, but first I'd like you, for 38 seconds and without speaking, to stand up and stretch." No one in the audience was silent because we all really enjoyed the stretch with a sigh of relief and audible applause. That's a good way to get the audience on your side. Then we sat and the speaker used the number "38" to begin his discourse on our field of study (1938 being an important year).
His briefing on the average American visitor to the USHMM got a few chuckles. Most Americans don't know that World War II started on Sept. 1, 1939; we think that it started with Pearl Harbor, or with D-Day, when we entered the war. Most visitors to their museum are not Jewish. And other points about the location and design of the museum in central Washington, D.C.
The speaker's next interval also engaged the audience. He told us to pick up the blank paper we all received, get a pen, and answer four questions he would ask. We should answer each one in fifteen seconds, and our answers would not viewed by anyone else. The questions were:
- What do you think is the most important city in the United States?
- If you had only ten minutes to tell one story about the Holocaust, what story would you tell?
- What do you think is most Americans' impression of "history?"
- If you were to tell someone about yourself using only a single object that you own, what object would that be?
But seriously, folks, here are the other highlights that I wrote down:
- "Memory is an ongoing conversation."
- "Holocaust educators are brokers of that conversation."
- "Memory is always a product of choice. Choice is always limited by space, time, and intent (or design)."
- "Living memorials should serve the three areas of education, remembrance, and conscience (moral and spiritual questions raised relate to our responsibilities as citizens of a democracy)."
Finally, based on post-session co-worker discussion, here are some other things the American speaker could have said at the podium in his mellifluous, dramatic voice (and we would have obeyed):
- "I believe the children are the future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense... of pride."
- "For those of you who have never met an American... we'll meet soon. Don't come over, we'll come to you."
- "For those about to rock... we salute you."
- "Everything is proceeding exactly as the Emperor has foreseen it."
- "Remember: Charlie... Don't... Surf."
- "Are you gonna bark all day, little doggie, or are you gonna bite?"
- "I took over a country, so I am taking a card and passing the dice."